Sly 2 trophies

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Sly 2: Band of Thieves has two different trophy lists: one for PlayStation 3 (PS3) and PlayStation Vita, and another for PlayStation 4 (PS4) and PlayStation 5 (PS5). Neither list has any missable trophies.

PS4 & PS5 trophies[edit | edit source]

Click on a trophy's name to view a guide for that trophy, if one exists

Image Name Requirement
Brotherhood of Thieves.png Brotherhood of Thieves Unlock all trophies in Sly 2: Band of Thieves.
Knock Them Out.png Knock Them Out Open the vault in "The Black Chateau."
Don't You Love When a Plan Comes Together.png Don't You Love When a Plan Comes Together? Complete all jobs in "The Black Chateau."
I'm Going Insane.png I'm Going Insane Open the vault in "A Starry Eyed Encounter."
Savor the Moment.png Savor the Moment Complete all jobs in "A Starry Eyed Encounter."
It's a Shocker.png It's a Shocker Open the vault in "The Predator Awakes."
Bollywood Will Have to Wait.png Bollywood Will Have to Wait Complete all jobs in "The Predator Awakes."
Go Long.png Go Long Open the vault in "Jailbreak."
Thank You, Wizard.png Thank You, Wizard Complete all jobs in "Jailbreak."
You're Not You When You're Angry.png You're Not You When You're Angry Open the vault in "A Tangled Web."
Eye on the Prize.png Eye on the Prize Complete all jobs in "A Tangled Web."
It's a Sleeper Hit.png It's a Sleeper Hit Open the vault in "He Who Tames the Iron Horse."
Heist on Rails.png Heist on Rails Complete all jobs in "He Who Tames the Iron Horse."
Shocking Moves.png Shocking Moves Open the vault in "Menace in the North, Eh?"
Is This the End of the Cooper Gang.png Is This the End of the Cooper Gang? Complete all jobs in "Menace in the North, Eh?"
Thievius Sneakius.png Thievius Sneakius Open the vault in "Anatomy for Disaster."
Victory, but at What Cost.png Victory, but at What Cost? Complete all jobs in "Anatomy for Disaster."
Let Me Shine You.png Let Me Shine You Listen to Dimitri's Greasy Sweet remix in "The Black Chateau."
During the job "Disco Demolitions," there is a set of turntables near the dance floor. Destroy the turntables and the soundtrack will change.
A Monetary Briefing.png A Monetary Briefing Find 10 cash briefcases in "The Black Chateau."
Blue cash briefcases can be found throughout the episode, but a group of exactly 10 of them can be found in the courtyard of the discotheque (the location of the "Disco Demolitions" job). There are some to the left of the door and some on the balconies above. Destroy all 10 obtain the trophy.
Sky Turtle.png Sky Turtle As Bentley, climb to the roof of Rajan's palace in "A Starry Eyed Encounter."
You must have the Hover Pack power-up. The "palace" referred to in the description is the ballroom building. Go to the front door of the building, then jump and activate the hover pack to reach the top of the door frame. Next, jump and use the hover pack again to reach the roof of the building.
Honorary Cooper.png Honorary Cooper As Murray, bring a guard into the safe house in "A Starry Eyed Encounter."
You must have the Atlas Strength power-up. Simply pick up a guard and jump up into the entrance of the safe house.
Hidden Wealth.png Hidden Wealth Find 10 unique cash briefcases in "The Predator Awakes."
A set of briefcases are found behind a green barrier during the "Neyla's Secret" job, beneath where you pickpocket the two keys. The rest are found during the "Spice Grinder Destruction" job: one set is behind another green barrier, while the other set is found behind a door near the second TNT barrel dispenser. Simply lay a barrel near the door to destroy it.
Ancient Sentry.png Ancient Sentry When not in a job, defeat 3 guards with the tower turret in "The Predator Awakes."
After completing the "Blow the Dam" job, you can re-enter the large stone structure with the helicopter on top. Simply walk in the doorway an and you will take control of the turret. The area to the right usually has a few guards walking around that you can shoot at.
Wizard of Chaos.png Wizard of Chaos As Bentley, use a Snooze Bomb, Reduction Bomb, and Health Extractor on the same guard in "Jailbreak."
Gone but Not Forgotten.png Gone but Not Forgotten Pay respect to a ghost of the past in "A Tangled Web."
Head back into the crypt that you entered during the "Ghost Capture" job. In the room with the coffin, destroy one of the two wolf statues and stand in its place. Face the wall, then open your binocucom and turn around to face the coffin. You will see a hologram of either Rocket the Robot or Jojo the Raccoon, both of whom are characters from Sucker Punch Productions's first game.
Blind with Rage.png Blind with Rage As Sly, with the help of the Rage Bomb, defeat all 5 guards in the vault room without being detected in "A Tangled Web."
The vault room is where you found the wire tap during the "Stealing Voices" job. Once you have obtained the Rage Bomb from the vault, hop up onto the large chandelier in the middle of the room without being detected. Then, toss the Rage Bomb at one or several of the guards. After it explodes, wait until the guards take each other out. When there is only one guard left remaining, you must defeat them with either the Voltage Attack or Lightning Spin, the only two insta-kill attacks in the game; a normal stealth slam won't work, as the game briefly registers that as being detected.
Fear The Murray.png Fear "The Murray" As Murray, defeat a bear without taking damage in "He Who Tames the Iron Horse."
Simply walk up to the bear and button-mash square. The non-stop barrage of punches will leave the bear unable to attack and it will go down after about 20 hits.
No Resting until I Have Cooper!.png No Resting until I Have Cooper! As Sly, throw a Music Box at Carmelita in "He Who Tames the Iron Horse."
There's Nowhere to Go.png There's Nowhere to Go Destroy 5 outhouses in "Menace in the North, Eh?"
Make Me a Steel Omelet.png Make Me a Steel Omelet Destroy 5 metal eggs in "Anatomy for Disaster."
One and Done.png One and Done As Murray, defeat 5 guards with the Fists of Flame.
Attack of the Giant Bentley!.png Attack of the Giant Bentley! As Bentley, shrink 4 guards at once.
Use the Reduction Bomb to obtain this trophy. Get a group of guards (preferably non-flashlight) to chase you and then drop the bomb once four of them are close together. This is easier than it sounds, as the Reduction Bomb has a larger blast radius than Bentley's normal bombs.
Slyght of Hand.png Slyght of Hand As Sly, pickpocket 5 pieces of loot without being detected.
Make sure not to stealth kill any guard while going for this trophy, as the game briefly registers that as being detected. Simply pickpocket the guard and quietly walk away to the next one.
No Challenge Too Daunting for the Cooper Gang.png No Challenge Too Daunting for the Cooper Gang Obtain all power-ups.
To purchase every power-up, you will need 24350 coins. Selling all of the 25 valuable "pedestal" loot items will not be enough to reach that amount, so the remainder must be pickpocketed off guards. The easiest way to farm pickpocketing loot is during the "RC Combat Club" job in episode 7. Once you take control of Sly, there will be 4 flashlight guards right in front of you. Pickpocket the guards, then alert them to fail the job. After reloading, the guards' pockets will be filled again and you can repeat the process as many times as you'd like.
Master Thief.png Master Thief Sell 50 unique pieces of loot.
You must obtain and sell 50 out of the 52 different loot items that are in the game. There are 27 unique loot items that you can pickpocket off guards and 25 unique loot items (including the Gold Painting) that you can find on the pedestals throughout the open world.

PS3 & Vita trophies[edit | edit source]

Image Name Requirement
50px Unlikely Bandit Unlock all Sly 2: Band of Thieves trophies.
50px Art Snob Replace a painting undercover.
50px Gotta Find Um All! Collect 15 clue bottles.
50px Bottle Capped Collect 20 clue bottles.
50px Soda Popped Collect 30 clue bottles.
50px You Look Great in Pink Purchase the Diablo Fire Slam from ThiefNet.
50px Rocking It Shell Style Purchase the Hover Pack from ThiefNet.
50px Pink Fire Flop Purchase the Raging Inferno Flop from ThiefNet.
50px Big Spender Purchase the Paraglider from ThiefNet.
50px Fiery Fox Escape from Carmelita.
50px Learn To Fox Trot Dance with Carmelita.
50px Spider Legs Pickpocket 3 items from Contessa.
50px Loot Pockets Collect 100 coins.
50px Jail Bird Break out Carmelita from Contessa.
50px Jailed Cotton Candy Pickpocket 3 keys from Carmelita in Canada.
50px Bear Hug Cause a bear fight in Canada.
50px Heads or Tails Collect 500 coins.
50px Train Jumper Hack the train.
50px He Is Flaming Purchase the Fists of Flame from ThiefNet.
50px Somebody Call a Doctor? Purchase the Snooze Bomb from ThiefNet.
50px Artful Dodger Purchase the Combat Dodge from ThiefNet.
50px Reptilian Robber Defeat Dimitri.
50px Upset Stomach Shoot down Neyla to help out Sly.
50px Watch Out It's Spicy! Defeat Rajan.
50px Creepy Crawly Defeat Contessa #1.
50px More Creepy Crawlies Defeat Contessa #2.
50px Exact Change Collect 1000 coins.
50px Tummy Trouble Collect Clockwerk's stomach.
50px Gold Medal Winner Defeat Jean Bison.
50px Moose Head Steal the moose costume for Murray.
50px Rise and Shine Purchase the Alarm Clock from ThiefNet.
50px Loot! Collect 1500 coins.
50px Tick-Tock Defeat Clock-La.
50px Remote Trigger Purchase the Trigger Bomb from ThiefNet.
50px Sneaky Purchase the Silent Obliteration from ThiefNet.
50px Bird Dentist Use Murray's strength to open Clock-La's mouth.